The Arezza Network

Monday, April 29, 2013

Food Products Labeling Seminar in Bracciano

A workshop on "The Labeling of Italian Food Products and their Presentation in the U.S. Market", will be held on May 14th in Bracciano. This is the third round of the IntFormatevi seminars cycles, a free training for SMEs engaged in the Lazio Region internationalization projects.

The initiative is organized by SprintLazio, Sviluppo Lazio, ICE - Agency for the promotion abroad and the internationalization of Italian firms, Unioncamere and BIC Lazio, as a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network, in support internationalization of local production systems.

For 2013, the training program is structured in 14 seminars for entrepreneurs, corporate executives and managers of Lazio companies. The training days are held in rotation in the region’s five provinces in collaboration with the Lazio Chambers of Commerce.

Workshop Topics include:
National and EU food products labeling laws and regulations
Specific legislation for olive oil, meat, honey, milk and dairy products, Dop, Igp and organic
Specific legislation required for marketing in the USA
The rules and penalities

The previous 48 seminars were attended by over 1600 entrepreneurs.

For information:

Monday, April 15, 2013

Albergo Diffuso Opens in Castelli Romani and Public Private Partnerships in Community Lighting

Tourism and Energy News from Lazio Region

The First “Albergo Diffuso” is open for business in the Castelli Romani area of Lazio

Locanda Specchio di Dianarepresents a new model of tourist accommodations that leverages the authenticity of a territory and involves the whole community in a process of economic and social development. With the restoration of historic centers, visitors learn about ancient villages, their history, culture and traditions.

This innovative concept of hospitality was launched in Italy to help revive seldom visited small, historic Italian villages and town centers; historic properties are managed by individually and provide normal hotel services with a central reception area that includes food service.

There are now 40 “Alberghi Diffusi” grouped under a National Association and 13 Italian regions have adopted legislation that regulates the concept.

Increased Demand for Public Private Partnerships in Public Lighting Services

Data made available by the National and Lazio Region Observatories on Public Private Partnerships point to an increase in interest by cities and other local government for Energy efficiency and savings for public lighting systems.

The partnerships provide efficient management through automation and the use of appropriate technologies. Asset Camera (Azienda speciale della Camera di Commercio di Roma) and Cresme Europa Servizi have developed a manual that addresses operating, economic and regulatory issues.

A summary is available on the Rome Chamber of Commerce site and the entire manual can be found on Lazio Region Public Private Partnerships Observatory.

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